Results of the call "Circus and Territories"

Results of the call for projects Circus and Territories
In the frame of FRESH CIRCUS#5 – International Seminar for the Development of Circus Arts, which will take place in Auch(France) in the course of the festival CIRCA, from 22 to 24 October 2019, a call themed “Circus and Territories” was launched last month by CIRCa, Circostrada and ARTCENA throughout France, Europe and abroad.
We were particularly pleased by the strong mobilization around this call!
We received no less than 110 applications from actors and stakeholders coming from around the world who have either initiated, developed or supported a circus project on a given area, for only 20 places available.
The selection committee of the call “Circus and Territories” submitted its final list yesterday and we are happy to announce the 20 selected projects:
- African Circus Arts Festival - FekatCircus (Ethiopia)
- Ballade(S) Funambule(S) - Cie Le Grand Raymond (France)
- BoiteNoire - Cie SCoM (France, Spain)
- Borderline Fabrika- Association Borderline Fabrika (France)
- Circus TrainingcenterSalzburg - Verein MOTA(Motorik-Tanz-Artistik) et Circusschulenin Österreich (Austria)
- Favoriserla dynamiquedes arts du cirque à La Réunionet dansl'OcéanIndien- CirquonsFlex (France)
- FICHO- Les Cabaret Capricho(Mexico)
- GénérationCirque - GalapiatCirque (France)
- Katapult- KatapultMee Pinchbeck GbR (Germany)
- Le Corps Infini- AcadémieFratellini, Cie Ki Productions, ENS Louis-Lumière, LabexArtec, UniversitéParis VIII (CICM/Musidanse), INREV(France)
- Le Mot LilasHautCommeIl Est Large - Compagnie d'Elles(France)
- Palestine Circus School - Palestinian Circus School (Palestine)
- Perform Your Art - Perform Your Art (Germany)
- Quinta PareteCircus Community - ASD Giocolierie Dintorniet APS Jaqulè(Italy)
- Ride & Camp - Cie Un loup pour l'hommeet Cirkobalkana(Balkan countries)
- SHIONO-AIRx SETOLA PISTE - SetouchiCircus Factory (Japan)
- SpazioAgreste- Cie CircoEl Gritoet AssociazioneSistema23 (Italy)
- The ecosystem of circus innovation in Taiwan - HsinghoCo., Ltd. (Taiwan)
- The Oak Circus - The Oak Circus Centre (United Kingdom)
- Wires Crossed - Galway Community Circus (Ireland)
Pre-programme and launch of the registration for FRESH CIRCUS#5 late June 2019.