An organisation wishing to become a member of the Circostrada network must fill in the membership form, which will then be submitted to the network's steering committee and evaluated according to the membership criteria defined below.
When assessing applications, the Circostrada steering committee will pay particular attention to the following aspects: strong artistic vision, the organisation’s European dimension and international commitment, and potential mutual benefits for the organisation and the network’s members. The steering committee will also ensure that the sectors are properly represented and that there is a geographical balance. Only one membership per organization is accepted.
- Adhere to the network’s values and missions (capacity development, international connections, advocacy work, resources).
- Commit to taking part in the network’s activities carried out by the steering committee, the coordination team and the members.
- Represent a professional organisation recognised in their country for their contribution to the development of contemporary circus and/or outdoor arts.
- Have in-depth knowledge of the status of contemporary creation in the contemporary circus and/or outdoor arts sectors in their country.
- Demonstrate a long-term commitment to the development of contemporary circus and/or outdoor arts.
- Show an interest in international cooperation.
Artistic companies, arts distribution agencies and schools cannot become members unless they can demonstrate that they represent a wide network of artists, companies and/or organisations in their country.
You can find the form and apply Here.
Becoming a member of the Circostrada network is free. However, a high level of investment is required in order to create a network of “active members” who are fully invested in the network's projects.
Members may have their membership revoked if:
- They fail to adhere to the network’s missions and values and its terms and mechanisms of governance.
- They fail to attend two consecutive General Meetings.
The steering committee reserves the right to decide on a case-by-case basis.