Circostrada facilitates the exchange of information by sharing news from its members and elsewhere, including calls to projects, seminars, EU information, job offers, funding requests, calls to residencies, etc. All the sector's news is just a few clicks away!
October 2016
September 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
November 2015
2015/11/26A look back at the Focus meeting "Circus & Sciences" with Le Prato (Lille, France)Publication & research
2015/11/26Save the date! European Culture ForumSeminars & Workshops
European policies -
2015/11/25Focus Meeting: "Sciences and Circus arts", November 25th (Lille, France)Seminars & Workshops
2015/11/25CircusNext Selection Week November 25-27Let's meet!
Calls -
2015/11/24CRITICAL MASS 2015: The National Outdoor Arts ConferenceSeminars & Workshops
2015/11/20HorsLesMurs is hiring the new Head of International Relations and Coordinator of Circostrada NetworkCalls