A look back at the Focus meeting "Circus & Sciences" with Le Prato (Lille, France)
Developing strong collaborations with the scientific field since many years, Le Prato - Pôle national des arts du cirque in Lille (France) explores topics at the crossroads of science and circus arts. Building on these fruitful synergies, Circostrada got together with Le Prato to propose last November 25th, a Focus meeting entitled: "Conveyors of circus / Conveyors of science: from cartography to the physics of circus".
Moderated by Marie Jacolot, coordinator of "Territoires de cirque" network, the meeting brought together key testimonies and reflections from teachers, engineers, researchers and artists. Together, they explored the proximity between the worlds of circus and science, the place of technicity in circus shows, science as an artistic subject, the links between scientific research and the creation process, and much more.
Exciting discussions will be summarized in a short online publication, to be published soon on Circostrada website ; delivering the proceedings of the meeting and sharing with a large audience new "food for thoughts".
Building on the expertise of the members of the network, Circostrada proposes through this new format of meeting to bring « out of the box » views on our practices and sectors. Discover the other publications of the network on www.circostrada.org