Get inspired by the CASA multimedia guides!

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CASA presents inspirational multimedia market guides on the field of circus and outdoor arts.

CASA is a new European support programme designed by five arts organisations, all members of Circostrada - MiramirO (BE), CircusInfo Finland (FI), Cirqueon (CZ), FiraTàrrega (SP) and Subtopia (SE) - to equip professionals from the contemporary circus and outdoor creation sectors to work and cooperate internationally.

Their website includes guides, providing professional information mapping 5 different cultural contexts (*) including direct links to more online information, video material and extracts of video interviews with local stakeholders, providing you with inspiring examples of good practices and tips and tricks on topics like audience development and marketing and communication. 

Dedicated to professionals from the circus and outdoor arts field and anyone who wants to find out more about the sector! 

(*) The guides do not give a full representation of the field in the countries but are the result of a selection or a regional focus made by the partner organisations.