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We are happy to share the second edition of the publication “European funded projects”, a guide made in collaboration with On the Move, which puts the focus on circus and street arts projects
This publication presents a mapping of circus and street arts projects that have received funding from the Creative Europe Programme, as well as from the Erasmus + and Interreg programmes of the European Commission in 2019, along with a selection from 2020.
- A new tool, for what objectives?
This new edition pursues the following objectives: to identify projects and networks currently active in the circus and street arts sectors, to promote available opportunities for artists and cultural professionals, and to highlight inspiring community-related grants.
- A new tool, for whom?
Artists, companies, collectives, cultural professionals and organisation, policy makers willing to better understand the talents and evolution of the sectors, its aesthetics, formats and contents.
- A new tool to inspire & empower circus and street arts professionals
Among the 66 circus and street arts EU-funded projects (2019) collected in the frame of this research and presented in this publication (which does not claim to be exhaustive), you'll find: 41 circus arts specific, 14 street arts specific and 9 multidisciplinary projects. Check the key facts and numbers section to know more and discover the main info on the projects selected.
We hope this guide will provide you with some valuable material and inspiration for your future projects!
Have a good read and share it around!