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Discover Rewiring the Network's report on a sustainable future for the performing arts!

Through the Rewiring the Network, the members of IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts - took part in a year-long journey to collectively envision a transition into a more sustainable future for the performing arts.

Along with their research partner IDEA Consult, IETM and its members have developed this transition from an artistic, social, economic, ecological and human point of view. They have also identified alternative models, values, practices and experiments that the performing arts sector and its funders should bring in from the margins to the centre.

The full report of Rewiring the Network is now out, providing an accumulation of ideas which now need to be turned into concrete strategies for the coming years. They believe this work can provide cultural networks and organisations with the keys to change their own practices, in order to make the future of the performing arts more sustainable.

You can download the full report here.

We hope this report helps you discover alternative models and practices to achieve sustainability on the artistic, social, economic, ecological and human levels!