CIRCa : publication of a book for the 30th edition of the festival

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To celebrate the 30th edition of the contemporary circus festival, CIRCa has edited a book entitled De l’élan de la jeunesse à un cirque réinventé ("CIRCa Auch: From the momentum of youth to the circus reinvented").

From the first meetings between circus schools to the birth of an international festival or the creation of the Circus Innovation and Research Centre, the festival reflects above all a rich human experience.

Thanks to the testimonies of its founders, volunteers, artists, partners, employees, Patrick Clarac tells the story of the festival in a book illustrated with many photographs, a story which continues to accompany the renewal of circus and contributes to its vitality.

The small history writes the greater one: that of circus arts, which keeps going beyond and breaking down all boundaries.

The book is published by Confluences Editions / 192 pages

(the book is available in English, contact directly CIRCa)