CASA market guide Finland

You want to know more on Circus and Street Arts circuits in Finland? This guide is for you!
The Multimedia Market Guide Finland focuses on the Finnish local cultural context to provide key information for artists and professionals eager to develop work opportunities in Finland!
- Public policies and support schemes in Finland
- Festivals and venues programming circus and street arts
- Circus and street arts companies currently working in the country
- Creation and residency centres
- Case studies of three successful audience and market development projects ... and much more !
CASA is a new European support programme designed by five arts organisations - MiramirO (BE), CircusInfo Finland (FI), Cirqueon (CZ), FiraTàrrega (SP) and Subtopia (SE) - to equip professionals from the contemporary circus and outdoor creation sectors to work and cooperate internationally.
The project includes 5 Multimedia Market Guides, each one focusing on a particular cultural context, providing quality professional information, mapping opportunities, articles, videos or interviews from local stakeholders.