Tendenza Clown 2019

Members news
Let's meet!
Circuito CLAPS is glad to introduce you to the second edition of TENDENZA CLOWN international festival.
Milan (Italy) is ready to welcome 50 clowns from all Europe!
24 shows, 15 companies, 4 National Premières
Contermporary circus, juggling, clownerie, acrobatics, nouvelle magie, aerial skills and equilibrism are only a few featuring elements of the festival, with performances suitable for tout public.
Among hosted artist: Okidok (Belgium), Toti Toronell&Pere Hosta (Spain), La Mob à Sisyphe and Five Foot Fingers (France), Tintalo Cirkusz (Hungary), Cirzo Zoè, Collettivo Clown and Artemakia (Italy).
Trailer here.
For infos: comunicazione@claps.lombardia.it