Discover La Llotja Online from FiraTàrrega. Join the PRO community!

Members news
Let's meet!, Seminars & Workshops

La Llotja Online is a renovated meeting point for the sector, a virtual marketplace that transcends time and space to offer its services beyond the days of Fira.

At La Llotja Online of FiraTàrrega, you'll find:

•    A directory of professionals in the sector.
•    A catalogue of projects.
•    A calendar of professional activities.
•    Periodic marketing, meeting and learning activities.

Circostrada members have free registration

Registration will be valid until summer 2021, and it will allow you to submit a project, meet professionals from all over the world and participate in the professional gatherings scheduled to take place on 9 and 10 September 2020 an the activities of the Nomadic Circuit of 2021.