Are you ready for the IETM Plenary Meeting in Porto?

Sector news
Let's meet!, Seminars & Workshops

IETM is back in Porto!

20 years after its last gathering in Portugal, IETM – International Network for Performing Arts –  comes back to Porto to hold its General Meeting from 26 April 2018 to 29 April 2018!

The red thread of the meeting will be placed on discussing the artistic geography that operates in direct relation with urban changes and developments. How do the focal points on today’s maps evolve, how do the centres shift and the peripheries transform? You are invited to engage in a challenging debate on how art relates to the processes of transforming centres of creation, dissemination and decision-making.

Both IETM members and non-members are welcome to join the meeting so don't be shy and book your flight to Porto!

You have until 22 April to make up your mind and register!