Co-design and Design Thinking: A collaborative and envisioning methodology

Andrew Bullen
Number of pages
Document producer
  • Contemporary circus and outdoor arts
  • CS Lab

After two sessions in Fossano and Rotterdam, the process of Co-design and Design Thinking (DT) has been fully explored, analysed and practiced during the third edition of the CS LAB, which took place in June 2018. In the unique location of the Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM), co-organiser of the event, participants have reflected on and co-created around their own professional challenges. As a group, they had the chance to grasp and experience how the Design Thinking process can help them address their daily issues in a new way. 

This report follows that of the CS LAB#2, which consisted in a prime introduction into the concepts of Co-design and Design Thinking, featuring definitions, presentations of practical exercises to apply when seeking to test this methodology. This one was instead conceived as a visual and practical tool, with real-life moment illustrations to guide you through the process and experience. Check it out!

Table of Contents 

  • Design Thinking and Co-design
  • Stage 1: Empathize
  • Stage 2: Define
  • Stage 3: Create and Prototype
  • Socratic Dialogue
  • Related resources on Design Thinking and socratic dialogue