Seminars Public Policy Makers (Arts Council Officers)
- Advocacy work
Past editions
- January 2011: London (UK), in the frame of the London International Mime Festival, with the support of Crying Out Loud and Arts Council England
- May 2011: Helsinki (Finland), in partnership with Cirko and CircusInfo Finland
- April 2012: Paris (France), in the frame of Fresh Circus#2
- November 2013: Gent (Belgium), in partnership with CircusCentrum
From 2011 to 2013, Circostrada Network organized 4 European seminars for Policy Makers working in Arts Councils, Ministries in charge of Cultural Affairs or institutions promoting Arts and Culture abroad. The objectives were to give these officers and decision makers the opportunity to know more about political traditions and contexts in Europe and expose them to a series of policies and schemes made available to support street arts and contemporary circus.
These successful gatherings, organized each time in close partnership with a member, allowed experts to explore new connections, compare work methods and exchange good practices to provide the necessary conditions for a sustainable development of our emerging sectors.
These seminars have led to the realisation of a study in 2013, commissioned to the researcher Cristina Farinha. This is a first step in collecting information regarding existing support mechanisms, as interesting examples to inspire other European regions or countries.
Find the study above.
Objectives of Public Policy Makers (Arts Council Officers) seminars:
- Expose them to a series of policies and schemes made available to support the street arts and circus sectors
- Discuss the impacts of such programmes on the structuring and development of the sectors
- Provide the necessary conditions for a deep reflection on further exchanges between regional and national bodies
- Invite them to attend a series of international performances
- Foster intercultural dialogue and valorise cultural diversity in the EU
- Create and foster opportunities for officers to explore new connections, but also expand their skills and knowledge for a renewed and sustainable arts environment.