Discover Circostrada's new website!

News of the network
We are thrilled to present you the new website of the network, created to reflect what Circostrada is:
- A structuring network for the circus and street arts on a European scale, identified and recognised for its expertise, built upon more than 10 years of experience
- A dynamic network, that reflects the diversity, the variety and the vitality of our fields in Europe
- An network of innovation, careful of the evolutions and exploring new territories, new action mechanisms
- A collaborative tool box, that produces and disseminates resources
- A prime platform of exchange for all actors of our fields
To achieve this, we have created a website that is simultaneously:
A showcase of:
- The activities of the network: discover all our activities, and register to our events, discover our picture galleries and look through the activities' dedicated documents
- Its members: Discover a new dynamic mapping that gives you a direct access to the features of each of the members and to the variety of the network that today gathers more than 70 organisations
- The missions and dynamic of the network, with a renewed section: "Who are we?"
A virtual resource portal:
Producer and disseminator of resources, Circostrada puts into place a collaborative dynamic with its members. Together, they commit to disseminate the key information on our fields.
- Resources : a thematic resource section that makes available the studies and guides produced by the network, its members, and beyond
- News: With a dynamic search engine, the information that you want is only a few clicks away!
We wish you an excellent visit!