My member sheet

Cirkuscentrum Sverige

Stockholm , Sweden
Type of organisation
resource / information provider, development agency, network
Main discipline
Type of activities
documentation and observation
facilitating professional meetings
training / education / professional
Year established
Circostrada member since
Other networks the organisation belongs to
Contact Person
Christina Simpson (Intermittent General Manager)
Hornsgatan 103, c/o Danscentrum Sverige
11728, Stockholm - Sweden

Cirkuscentrum is a national non-profit association and expert organization that promote circus, supports artistic development, provides daily training and capacity building. Cirkuscentrum also strives to improve the working conditions and the infrastructure for professional circus artists. We foster connections and networks, both domestically and abroad, to nurture the expansion and evolution of contemporary circus. 

The organization's main objectives are;

  • to promote its members to programmers 
  • to create opportunities for professional and artistic development
  • to offer workshops, masterclasses, and opportunities for skills enhancement to our members
  • to increase public awareness and understanding of circus as a vibrant and innovative art form
  • to convey to politicians and public officials the significant role circus plays in society
  • to underscore the necessity of municipal, regional, and government support for the sector
  • to emphasize the significance of dedicated spaces for training, artistic development and to meet audiences
  • to build connections and networks, both nationally and internationally, to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange

As a non-profit, member-based center association our primary focus is on advancing the interests of our members and the art form they represent. While our efforts are centered on supporting our members, we also actively contribute to the broader development of contemporary circus. We engage in collaborative projects, advocacy work, and outreach activities that aim to elevate the entire contemporary circus sector. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the flourishing of contemporary circus as a vital and vibrant cultural expression, benefiting both our members and the broader artistic community.

Manegen est une association nationale basée en Suède pour les professionnels des arts du cirque, de variétés et de la rue. Manegen promeut ces disciplines artistiques et soutient ses membres (compagnies, créateurs, producteurs, diffuseurs, éducateurs, etc.) dans leur travail en lien avec les arts du cirque, de la rue et de la variété.

Les missions de Manegen sont les suivantes:

  • Inscrire les spectacles de cirque, de variétés et de rue au programme culturel national
  • Les rendre accessibles à de nouveaux types de professionnels et de publics
  • Améliorer leur couverture médiatique
  • Encourager le soutien des autorités locales et nationales et surtout
  • Créer des opportunités pour le développement professionnel et artistique.

L’objectif pour les années à venir est d’améliorer les conditions professionnelles pour les adhérents, de mieux communiquer en interne et auprès du public et de structurer nos activités pour une plus grande stabilité. Malgré l’impact et la force de cette forme artistique en Suède, Manegen reste une association relativement jeune qui a pour objectif de répondre aux besoins de ces arts en pleine expansion.