Piiip and Tuut Theatre

Piip and Tuut Theatre is a private theatre, formed by two actors and named by their clown characters Piip and Tuut. They have been performing together as a clown duo since 1998 and established Piip and Tuut Playhouse in 2010 in Tallinn. Everything in this theatre is out of balance and astonishing. Whit only 4 people working at the theatre, nevertheless they have managed to be ranked within the top 5 theatres playing the highest number of shows in Estonia. They won Estonian Theatre Prize of the Year in 2014 as the best company playing for young audiences. Piip and Tuut Theatre has one foot in theatre, the other in circus.
Piip and Tuut Theatre is currently touring around the world and their performances have been seen in Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Jordan, Turkey, South Korea, India, USA and many other countries.