Time Capsule 2020
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Time Capsule 2020




The Time Capsule is a job-shadowing experience between Circostrada members, allowing four organisations to benefit from cross-mobilities and exchange good practices. The activity aims at ensuring sustainability, innovation and professionalism to circus and street arts professionals. 


Time period (2020)
  • Between April-August 2020, allowing 4 different organisations to benefit from this activity.
  • Each exchange has a duration of one week minimum and two weeks maximum.
  • Each Time Capsule has two mobilities, which must take place between May 15th and August 31st after the selection made by the Steering Committee.


Programme content

The content of the two programmes is thought out jointly between the two organisations and sent to the Circostrada coordination team who can provide advice and comments. 



Resources must follow from each mobility / exchange of good practices: 

  • A complete review of the mobility (questionnaire to fill in) 
  • A photo gallery of the stay (place, people met, events, etc.) 


Selection criteria of the organisations
  • The two organisations must be from different countries
  • Both organisations must be members of the Circostrada network
  • Relevance of the good practices identified
  • Relevance of the choice of partnership
  • Diversity of the type of organisations 
  • Eco-friendly posture 


Application Procedure
  • Interested organisations can submit their application (in English) via our online form until April 19th, 12am UTC +1.
  • The selection will be made by the Steering Committee of the network and published on April 26th.



500€ per organisation or 1000€ for the cross-mobility (both organisations). 


Activity Report of CIRCa & FEDEC cross-mobility

Resources must follow from each mobility / exchange of good practices: 

A complete review of the mobility - questionnaire to fill in 

A photo gallery of the stay (place, people met, events, etc.) 


Photo report of CIRCa & FEDEC cross-mobility

Photo report of the job shadowing activity between CIRCa and FEDEC. 

In July, Mathieu Hedde from CIRCa was able to spend a few days within FEDEC in Brussels. In august  Capucine Hec-Couton (from FEDEC) came and share CIRCa's (masked) daily life.


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