Circus Arts and Sciences

November 25 2015
Lille, France
  • Focus - transdisciplinary meetings
  • © Hippolyte Jacquottin
    Cie La Migration, LANDSCAPE(s)#1
  • © Jean-Charles Le Gac,  Ingénieur de méthodes en mécanique au CNAC
    © Jean-Charles Le Gac, Ingénieur de méthodes en mécanique au CNAC

"Conveyors of circus / Conveyors of science: from cartography to the physics of circus"

Developing strong collaborations with the scientific field since many years, Le Prato - Pôle national des arts du cirque explores topics at the crossroads of science and circus arts. Building on these fruitful synergies, Circostrada got together with Le Prato to propose a Focus meeting entitled: "Conveyors of circus / Conveyors of science: from cartography to the physics of circus".

Both artists and scientifics play, between intuition and action. They search, between the laws of physics and their metaphysical preoccupations, and they create. Their quest is the notion of limit. This conference aimed at expressing and comparing the processes in these two fields to enrich and open on new territories to explore for artists and scientifics.

Inviting artists, technicians and teachers to exchange their glance, this meeting offered to compare processes in these two fields, and from concrete examples, to explore their interference : how is an idea or an artistic intention interpreted and performed? How, thanks to a back and forth, can principles and processes evolve?

The proceedings of the meeting are available online (see link above).


  • Artists, with notably the Cie "L'ouvrier du Drame". Presentation of scenographic processes and circus apparatus.
  • Jean-Charles Le Gac, engineer at CNAC - Centre national des arts du cirque. From the artist's idea to the public presentation: presentation of an innovative apparatus project.
  • Eric Wolf, physics teacher at Lycée Beaupré-Haubourdin. Awareness of students and teachers of physical and technological reality in the performing arts.
  • Jean-Philippe Cassar, University professor and vice president Culture and Heritage at Polytech' Lille, Computer engineering laboratory.
  • ​Valerio Vassallo, University professor at Lille 1- Sciences and Technologies, together with the artist Philippe Baraduc from Cie Al Kymia to present the research "Cerclo Sapiens".

Marie Jacolot, project manager and coordinator of Territoires de Cirque network, was in charge of the moderation of the meeting and the writing the publication.

This Focus Meeting was proposed by Le Prato, Circostrada, HorsLesMurs, Espace Culture of University Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, in collaboration with the physics laboratory of the High School "Beaupré-Haubourdin", CANOPE and with the support of the European Commission.