Cirque et arts de la rue : les organisations professionnelles en Europe 2012
- Cirque
- Arts de la rue
Since 2009, Circostrada Network has been strengthening its dialogue with the circus and street arts trade unions and federations that work within the European territory. Its goal is to bring these professional organisations together in order to facilitate exchange and collaboration, and with this in mind Circostrada Network publishes a yearly English-language directory giving detailed information on these bodies.
There is a strong need, in this time of political uncertainty and funding cuts, to intensify the dialogue with local and national institutions in charge of cultural affairs in order to protect street arts and circus’ vitality.
The professional organisations listed here all work to improve recognition and understanding among policy officers and strategic advisers, and in doing so work towards the development of dedicated policies and support schemes for street arts and circus, advocating for better conditions for cultural workers from these fields.