Contemporary Circus and Outdoor Arts in France
CIRCOSTRADANumber of pages
32Document producer
- Cirque et arts de la rue
Anglais, Britannique
- Réunions Générales
Discover 'Contemporary Circus and Outdoor Arts in France' the publication connected to the network's annual general meeting held in Marseille, France in 2025, co-organised with Archaos Pôle National Cirque, in the frame of BIAC - Biennale Internationale des Arts du Cirque, with the support of the European Union, the French Ministry of culture and the French Institute of South Africa, in partnership with Lieux Publics - European and national center for creation in public space, IN SITU - European platform for artistic creation in public space and FAI-AR - Formation supérieure d’art en espace public.
This publication aims to provide an overview of the contemporary circus and outdoor arts sector in France, to articulate and diversify the understanding of the trends and issues at stake for the contemporary circus and outdoor arts sectors.
Dive in the publication now! Have a good read.