Welcome to our new members

Actus du réseau

We are happy to inform you we have two new members who have joined the network. Give them a warm welcome! Here is a small introduction of who they are, where they're based, what is their main focus and most importantly how to start getting in contact with them! 

Congratulations to them and welcome to the Circostrada sphere!



Certain Blacks is an arts developed organisation funded by Arts Council England.  Their aim is to support the development of diverse artists and bring them "from the margins to the mainstream". They produce two festivals a year delivering indoor and outdoor performance and are part of the Without Walls commissioning network. They support circus and outdoor arts alongside theatre, music, live arts and spoken word performances.

Focus: Outdoor arts & circus

City and Country: Newham, United Kingdom

Contact person: Clive Lyttle, Artistic director

➡ www.certainblacks.com 

➡ Facebook Instagram



Without Walls is a network of over 35 organisations that brings the best in outdoor arts to people in towns and cities across England. Since its formation in 2007, Without Walls has developed and toured over 200 new shows. The Without Walls programme has toured widely both in the UK and internationally across 22 countries.

Focus: Outdoor arts 

City and Country: Manchester, United Kingdom

Contact person: Ed Cox, Senior communications and development manager

➡ withoutwalls.uk.com

➡ Facebook Instagram