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Circus Residential Network - open call 2021.
"Circus Residential Network" created by 6 Croatian circus organizations
ROOM 100, Cirkorama, Cirkus Kolektiv, Čarobnjakov šešir, Prostor Plus and K.V.A.R.K. are inviting contemporary circus artists and related performing arts collectives to submit their artistic ideas and emerging works for residential support. The Network provides travel expenses, accommodation, workspace, organization of work-in-progress performance, necessary technical
conditions for performance, and media visibility.
This support is intended primarily for regional circus artists from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo, and is open to all circus, dance, acting, new media and interdisciplinary ideas and emerging works.
Applications are accepted via the following form.
The call is open until April 5th at 23:59.