Onglets principaux
Open call for artistic residencies

Actus des membres
Teatronas opens up its first contemporary circus centre “Cirko Sapiens” for artistic residencies!
Tearonas is interested in the early stages of development of your artistic projects. So if you have an idea you would like to develop in a circus centre – you are welcome to apply!
This call is for two month-long residency periods:
- The first period is May 9th – June 9th, 2021. This residency provides a possibility to present a work-in-progress in the context of the contemporary circus festival “Cirkuliacija”.
- The second residency period is August 9th-September 9th, 2021. This period overlaps with four international festivals in the region that programme circus (Contempo, ReRiga, Plartforma, New Circus Weekend).
How to apply?
If you are interested, please fill out this form by the 14th of March.