Ma fiche membre
- 2010 - 2012 · Parcours Croisés: une deuxième chance par le cirque
- 2011 - 2012 · TRANSmission
- 2011 - 2012 · Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe
- 2012 - 2017 · CirusNext
+39 3356159280

Mirabilia International Circus & Performing Arts Festival is a Circus and Mutidisciplinary event in Italy. Born in Fossano, nowit is held in the beginning of september in the city of Cuneo. After 15 years of activity, with each year about 100-180 professionals, 50 to 80.000 peole and 13-15.000 tikets sold for indoor shows, Mirabilia Festival moved from cities in the province of Cuneo to the main city to find bigger areas and ressources to run a festival that had overgrown the capacity of its original site. The festival, which holds a strictly multidisciplinary and often transdisciplinary contemporary programmation of some of the best works of Europe, operates in the disciplines of Circus, Dance, Urban theatre and Theatre with the premieres and creations of between 40 to 50 companies, and over 100 shows in 6 days. Meetings, round tables, presentations, seminars and work in progress are hold daily in collaborations with european and italian institutions and entities. In 2017 Mirabilia Festival hosted a beautiful Circostrada General Meeting which coronated an intense decade of European meetings and projects, like JTCE, CircusNext, Transmission, River-Cities, parcours Croisées, Circollaborative Tools, etc.
Mirabilia n’est pas seulement un festival international de cirque et de spectacle vivant. Il ne se conforme pas uniquement à une programmation de spectacles, mais construit tout au long de l’année une stratégie internationale afin de promouvoir la création, favoriser la coproduction, offrir des résidences et un soutien au long cours aux projets et compagnies émergentes, programmer des premières italiennes et mondiales ainsi que des spectacles indépendants - parfois encore fragiles mais à ne pas manquer.
En 2015, Mirabilia a accueilli 48 compagnies, européennes et internationales – cirque, danse, théâtre et arts de la rue confondus - soutenues pour leur aspect innovant. Plus de 170 professionnels ont participé au festival, comptabilisant 80 000 spectateurs et 12 500 tickets vendus.