NHLP-EU - Digital Seminars for professionals in the culture sector


Join us for the monthly Digital Events organised for the NHLP-EU programme. Circus leaders and other culture professionals discuss relevant themes such as accessibility, empathy, responsibility, diversity, and more. 

The seminars are hosted on Zoom, and designed as an interactive dialogue and a safe space, where everyone’s voice can be heard, in an atmosphere that fosters togetherness, despite physical distance.  

The events are part of the NHLP-EU programme, which aims to strenghten leadership capacity for the circus sector in Europe. Project fellows and their mentors are present, and guest speakers contribute to dive deeper into the topics. 

To get the zoom link, RSVP on the project website: https://www.newhorizonsleadership.eu/nhlp-eu-events


The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.