Focus Meeting: "Sciences and Circus arts", November 25th (Lille, France)

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Developing strong collaborations with the scientific field since many years, Le Prato - Pôle national des arts du cirque explores topics at the crossroads of science and circus arts. Building on these fruitful synergies, Circostrada gets together with Le Prato to propose a Focus meeting entitled: "Conveyors of circus / Conveyors of science: from cartography to the physics of circus" next November 25th (Lille, France).

Inviting artists, technicians and teachers to exchange their glances, this meeting offers to compare processes in these two fields, and from concrete examples, to explore their interferences : how is an idea or an artistic intention interpreted and performed ? How, thanks to a back and forth, can principles and processes evolve?

The meeting will be followed by the show "Vous êtes ici", by the Cie L'Ouvrier du Drame. 

This Focus Meeting is proposed by the Prato (Lille, France), Espace Culture of University Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies, in collaboration with the physics laboratory of the High School "Beaupré-Haubourdin" and CANOPE.

Open meeting upon registration. Deadline to register: November 18th. Find out all the information about the programme and the speakers on Circostrada website.