What about art in the public space in Egypt?

News of the network
Publication & research

This publication, entitled "Art in the Public Space in the Arab world: Dynamics, Actors and Resources", follows on the very first journey of Circostrada to Egypt, which took place between Cairo and Alexandria in April 2017, with the aim of meeting two new members settled in the region: Mahatat for Contemporary Art and I-Act. This experience offered, among other things, a privilege space for dialogue and reflection on the state and shape of artistic creation in Egypt, as well as a valuable insight into the local cultural scene and its actors, in the context of a Co-writing lab hosted and led by Mahatat (if you want to know more, go ahead and visit the Co-writing lab website) Following this gathering, the network decided to introduce a new cycle of meetings entitled KAHWA, which will focus on the artistic creation in the Mediterranean region and which will be dedicated to professionals working in the public space.