Research trip to Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
February 26-March 4 2018

Research trip to Ethiopia



    Circostrada is planning a research trip to Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) for its members from February 26 to March 4 2018, in the course of the second edition of the African Circus Festival, organized by Fekat Circus.

    This is the first Pan-African festival dedicated to circus arts, which gathered around 12.000 participants during its first edition (2015) and a hundred artists coming from all over Africa.

    This research trip is organized in partnership with Fekat Circus, which joined the network in 2017 and works towards developing circus arts in Ethiopia, implementing a unique project, social and human-oriented, which aims at supporting emerging artists throughout their creation process and to provide them with a working space conducive to experimentation.

    A Circostrada delegation will be present throughout the festival, with the following agenda: meeting times with local circus actors, activities to better understand the stakes and aesthetics of the Ethiopian cultural scene, visits of key circus venues networking times between professionals, etc… a nice opportunity for the network and its members to establish contacts with the local scene and, vice versa, for Ethiopian cultural players to develop collaborative projects and partnerships with European professionals.

    This research trip will be followed by a publication in French and in English, available online for all professionals eager to know more about the Ethiopian circus scene. We keep you posted! 


    Photo Gallery

    Photo credits: 
    ©Geo Kalev, Fekat Circus

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