GROW: International Symposium on Circus and Street Arts

Members news
Seminars & Workshops

Thursday 17 & Friday 18 September - Great Yarmouth

Circostrada members Seachange Arts and Circus Futures in partnership with Contact Zones, XTRAX and ISACS, host their second annual major circus and street arts symposium as part of the 2015 Out There Festival.

Europe's leading producers, promoters and artists come together to explore how circus and street arts talent can be supported and nurtured to thrive in the UK and European market place.

Who for?  Circus & street arts promoters, producers, artists, programmers and funding bodies

Panellists and speakers. A line-up of some of the sector's most informative speakers, from across the UK and Europe. 

When? The symposium will begin at 2.00pm on Thursday 17 September before a full-day programme on Friday 18 September.